Orlando Raccoon Trapper

Raccoon Information: They're cute, with their masked face & ringed tail, but they are very strong and destructive, especially when they live in an attic.

Raccoons are one of the nuisance wildlife critters that I commonly deal with in the Orlando area. I humanely trap and remove raccoons or exclude them from homes. Here are some of the common problems people encounter with raccoons:
  • Raccoons living in the attic of a home
  • Raccoons causing property damage outside
  • Raccoons causing health or safety concerns
Fast Raccoon Removal - Call 407-956-1268 any time of the day, and we will discuss your raccoon problem & schedule a same-day or next-day appointment.

 Expert Raccoon Control Servicing Central Florida

I deal with raccoons on an almost daily basis, and have been working with this nuisance animal for 7 years. I do not perform raccoon extermination. Rather, I am a humane raccoon trapper company, and I prefer to use live trapping and relocation, or exclusion. The best way to achieve effective raccoon control is to understand the animal and its behavior, and establish the appropriate course of action given the property and matter at hand. Raccoons are not bad animals, but they are common in urban areas, Orlando included of course, and I excel at solving raccoon problems quickly, professionally, and effectively. I aim for permanent results, to keep those raccoons away for good!

Raccoon noises - Raccoons are one of the most vocal of animals you find in your attic or home. This is partially because most raccoons in a home are females raising a litter. The first sounds you hear will likely be the mother raccoon creating a nest somewhere in the building. Eventually, her muffled scratching will turn into the distinctive cries of babies waiting to be fed. As the kits grow, they will become more playful and adventurous, and the sounds you hear will be anything from growls, chitters, squeals, squeaks, and grunts. Don’t be alarmed, but it will sound like you have a herd of elephants racing overhead rather than some tiny raccoon babies. Of course, once you know you have raccoons, you need to have the trapped and removed from the home. Like all pest animals, raccoons will do their fair share of damage to a building. If left alone, they will ruin insulation and chew on wiring.

 Example Raccoon Problems in the Orlando area

Hi—enjoyed your website. About 6 years ago I got an animal eviction specialist to trap a couple of raccoons and then seal up all the potential entry points with heavy gauge wire mesh. Then about 10 days ago I heard one up there again. I’ve seen it once and have identified the entry point where the soffit meets the gutter. How does this sound to you, considering that she’s not a mom yet and is probably just setting up shop? I’m planning to get a handyman to repair the soffit and place wire mesh around the area with the power stapler. But he’d be working in the daytime, when the ‘coon would likely be sleeping. So before I do that I’m planning to wear some heavy clothing, thick gloves, and boots, go up into the attic with a squirt bottle filled with an ammonia/Tabasco/water mix, and slowly go around to try and force her to leave via the entry point. That way I could see if she’s alone too. I’m in my early 60s and in fairly good shape. The only serious downside I can see would be if she were to charge, I could my lose balance and fall though the ceiling. Any other downsides you can think of? Other fluids to recommend? - Janet

Janet - I guarantee that no fluids will make the raccoon leave. The reason a new one came back after 6 years may have been due to the scent that the previous one left behind - yes, it can linger in the attic for a long time. The best way to solve the problem is to find the baby raccoons and remove them and remove the mother raccoon as well, via trapping. This work should be done by a professional.
If you have any raccoon questions or comments, e-mail info@cassanwildlife.com or better yet, please call 407-956-1268 and I will answer.